Sunday, June 04, 2006

2004's new year poem

There was one for 2005 as well... this year I missed writing one :(

For every poem I post... I expect one from atleast one of you too :)

You could grouse over misfortune,
Or thank your million lucky stars
You could dance to a merry tune,
Or think of time, that left scars!

You could remember the good time
That you spent with a great friend
Or recall to the nearest dime,
Funding a foe... you had to spend!

You could regret a fall over wet moss,
Or opportune a splash of rain,
You could dwell for long over your loss,
Or glorify a tiny spec of gain!

You could enjoy a sweet smelling rose,
Or rake a fuss about a spiky bush!
Hassle over din in the neighbour's house,
Or engage your senses in a silent hush!

Time brings all the same fair deal,
A pinch of salt, a sprinkle of sugar!
And as stories unfold, and moments reel,
What's life like, is for you to figure!

It's your voices amongst a few
That tell if your happy or sad,
It's your own choices, that make you,
That help you pick the joy you've had!

What a caterpillar calls the end,
The Master calls "a butterfly",
What you hope to see as a "happy new year",
Will show you glimpses of the year gone by!


Arvind said...

Very Very Good... Really liked it.

Avi said...
