Monday, July 17, 2006

Forever Green...

Fished out from my archives... was written for my aunt... on her 80th birthday... I cried that day... overwhelmed in the celebration of her strength and attitude... and the fact that she will be forever green..

Sitting by the bounty green grassy blades,
Relaxed and reminiscing thoughtful shades,
I looked up at her branches crude but sturdy,
Beneath them I write of a lifetime, all wordy!
A slice of candy, a sip of sweet mango pulp,
A box of chocolates and a mouthful to gulp,
Under my protective tree, in the lush meadow,
Merriments of childhood, with my wild credo!
A decade later, a pedantic black board rests
By her cozy, comforting and secure nests,
And I sermonize wisely, to a younger class,
Show them the books, through my looking glass!
Another decade goes by, I insanely hurt her
Carve out my name, and watch the oozing amber
Enduring the pain, she embraces me with love,
She brings me peace, with the sight of a dove!
Three decades now, my children at her stalk,
Climbing her diverse off shoots, as they talk,
She stands bearing, latitudarian in thought,
Hard to forget are the good times she's brought!
Nearing the halfway mark of a grand century,
I rest on a hammock, hung by her rich luxury
I've watched a long life span, pass well by me,
My spirits, high and low, but how steady is she!
The grand glory, leafy and brown, stands atall,
She teaches a way of living, through rise and fall,
While my years fly past, in a quick hasty scene,
Pictures of her, remain still, lovely and evergreen!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Slow Dance

This also is a nice poem.... another of those anonymous ones I guess .....

Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Do you run through each day On the fly?
When you ask "How are you?"
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say "Hi"?
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift.... Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.


I dont know who wrote this....

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear the unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star.

This is my quest to follow that star
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far
To fight for the right without question or pause
To be willing to march into hell
For a heavenly cause.

And I know if I can only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will be peaceful and calm
When I am laid to rest.
And the world will be better for this:
That one person scorned and covered with sores
Still strove with the last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star.

my 1st

I never had a title for this...but this is the 1st I wrote

Walking in the light of the dying sun,
Seeing the naked children playfully run,
In the dirty gully of the slum,
The dwellers see me as I come.

Helpless and anxious of the morrow,
Pained and miserable with their sorrow,
To them the lord has ceased giving,
And they’re existing and have stopped living.

But still they hope that some fine day,
They too shall be happy and gay,
Though an illusion it may be,
Though in that no truth they see.

To god I cried out “what is this ?
People suferring their lives without bliss
What’ve you done to help even a few?”
And a voice replied , “ I HAVE MADE YOU”

Beginning of me

One of my better efforts...since it was co-written with my friend I guess...

My life was flowing like a silent stream,
Everything around me like a pleasant dream ,
Life was easy,smooth and plain ,
You stormed into my life like a hurricane .

Your body was satin , but your heart was stone ,
Your hands were warm ,but your touch was cold ,
Your skin had gleam,your eyes had fire ,
It charred my broken heart, but fuelled my desire .

You’ve no idea how it destroyed my calm ,
When I saw you snuggle up in someone else’s arm ,
I made you my queen , I gave you my throne ,
How could you just leave me now I’m all alone .

Baby I beg you , please go away ,
Ever since you came, life is going astray ,
With you by my side , I’m going insane ,
There is nothing that can really undo this pain .

I don’t have the cool , to hear you explain ,
You’ll give me some crap and say its all in the game ,
I wont hold you to treason , I wont beg you to stay,
I don’t care a damn as long as you go away ,

The end. The finish .Its all over between us ,
Those whispers , those caresses and all that fuss ,
I was down on my knees , now I’m back on my feet ,
It’s the end of you and the beginning of me .

Beautiful people there may be

I dug up all my old poems(and when i say old..i mean 'OLD') and am posting it here..... this was in college....and when I was in love...uhmmm almost

Disclaimer: These poems are cliched , boyzon-ish and require the intelligence of a tadpole to comprehend. (hmm... that explains why all my sister's girlfrendz love it)

You surpass all in beauty and grace
None like you can I find in any other place
Beautiful people there may be
But I have eyes for you and you only

From the first time I saw Couldn’t take my mind off you
Love was sown in my heart And there it grew
Made me sigh whenever I think
That you were the spring of my life from where I had to drink

The thought of you so far away makes me sad
I comfort myself thinking of the little conversations we’ve had
Your hellos and byes matter so much to me
For these small little things I’d go begging on my knee

I wonder now when I would see you
And every time I do hope springs anew
I’d come running to you where ever you may be
Rather than sitting here, each hour feeling like an eternity

Your sweet kisses warm touches is not what I ask
Just wanna be close to you In the sunshine of your presence I’ll bask

--- Prem

morning poem

This one is from the net..... it is a mean poem but it always cracks me up !! ...sorry about the profanity


I woke early one morning,
The earth lay cool and still
When suddenly a tiny bird
Perched on my window sill,

He sang a song so lovely
So carefree and so gay,
That slowly all my troubles
Began to slip away.

He sang of far off places
Of laughter and of fun,
It seemed his very trilling,
Brought up the morning sun.

I stirred beneath the covers
Crept slowly out of bed,
Then gently shut the window
And crushed his fucking head.

I'm not a morning person.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Blanked out by Beauty!

I have been having these thoughts on how people *look* esentially the same and what their faces are meant to say. Especially how, whether they are Japenese, Indian :) ...Caucasian, Negroid or Mangolian...there are a set of feelings underlying the face that mean a lot more than the surface... And I actually have been thinking...about a face...blank..just blank...

I have been imagining her face, with no features!
With no eyes, no nose, no lips, but it is hers.

Would I know, of her thoughts, in that emptiness,
Would I know, if I made laugh or made her cry?
How do I to tell, her indifference from her eagerness?
How it would trouble me, not to know how or why!

Her thoughtful, sparkling eyes that shrink and widen
The lips that split to reveal her joy that was hidden
The many curves that tell me of her state of mind,
If amiss, would leave me longing for a face so kind.

Her tears would trickle down leaving no shiny trail,
Not the slightest sign of being helpless and frail...
Deceitful to a friend so true, who would be by her side,
Who would cherish in loyalty, even the times, they cried.

Is she angry, embarassed, shy, flustered, confused or coy,
A gamut of feelings obscured in her passive private ploy...
Would immensely trouble me, for being the person, I am,
For a friend and companion, finding truth in the face of sham!

I find beauty not in the fact that she is bright and fair,
Not in the way she looks, in clothes or her coloured hair!
I yearn for her expressions and the elements to portray,
I just need them to guage everything she wants to say...

Beauty is in the thought that the face willingly depicts,
In the expression of the eyes or a smile as the ruling edicts...
Hard to find in black or white, even if we really tried...
And impenetrable and alien in a countenance that is void!