I have been having these thoughts on how people *look* esentially the same and what their faces are meant to say. Especially how, whether they are Japenese, Indian :) ...Caucasian, Negroid or Mangolian...there are a set of feelings underlying the face that mean a lot more than the surface... And I actually have been thinking...about a face...blank..just blank...
I have been imagining her face, with no features!
With no eyes, no nose, no lips, but it is hers.
Would I know, of her thoughts, in that emptiness,
Would I know, if I made laugh or made her cry?
How do I to tell, her indifference from her eagerness?
How it would trouble me, not to know how or why!
Her thoughtful, sparkling eyes that shrink and widen
The lips that split to reveal her joy that was hidden
The many curves that tell me of her state of mind,
If amiss, would leave me longing for a face so kind.
Her tears would trickle down leaving no shiny trail,
Not the slightest sign of being helpless and frail...
Deceitful to a friend so true, who would be by her side,
Who would cherish in loyalty, even the times, they cried.
Is she angry, embarassed, shy, flustered, confused or coy,
A gamut of feelings obscured in her passive private ploy...
Would immensely trouble me, for being the person, I am,
For a friend and companion, finding truth in the face of sham!
I find beauty not in the fact that she is bright and fair,
Not in the way she looks, in clothes or her coloured hair!
I yearn for her expressions and the elements to portray,
I just need them to guage everything she wants to say...
Beauty is in the thought that the face willingly depicts,
In the expression of the eyes or a smile as the ruling edicts...
Hard to find in black or white, even if we really tried...
And impenetrable and alien in a countenance that is void!
good.... interesting u chose to write it as 'her' :-)
I know what you're thinking.... but strangely... it was a "her" :)
hey megha how are u ? rember me ?
me is fmr usame r eng college :) was with u in first yera and then shifted to comp sci :)
It amazes me - how u manage to rhyme so aptly! This poem has some subtle simplicity...really nice one. Reminds me of another little poem by 'someone'. It says - 'Her face was like a pleasant cloudless sky...she looked up and there was lightning' :-))
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