Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The apology

I finally got down to writing something........

The Apology

He is sitting on the bed
Staring at the phone
A hundred thoughts in his head
Wishing the answers he'd known

With every tick of the clock
His courage slowly drains
And with every passing minute
Memories befuddle his brains

He knows it's all forgiven,
Its a story, old and forgotten
But not saying that one word
Makes him still feel small and rotten

He caused her much pain
She forgave,without him having to ask
So he hated her all the more
But she never took him to task

As time moved on, so did they
The passing years dulled the pain
Dulled the sadness, dulled the spite
And friends they became once again

She never mentions those past events
Never mentions how much she cried
He never mentions that he is is now sorry,
And to say that, how long he has tried

When you put a nail in a wall,
Drive it in with a force so blind
And when you pull it out later
Notice, there is a mark always left behind ?

So it is with relations amongst people
How hasty and foolish he had been
No matter the amends, the mark remains
But he is hoping he can wipe the slate clean

"Its long overdue", his heart tells him
And the same echoes through every muscle and bone,
"Its now or never", he tells himself,
As his hand reaches out for the telephone

Before you can say "yaarige yen paapa madithiyo ?!" , this is just an exaggeration of some events that *may* have happened with me ;-)



Megha said...

Among other people ...stands out still, no? Coupled with the fact that you asked me about why girls cry,etc...

Yeno idhe....

I have to ask... "Yarige yen paapa maadidhya?"

This is a real good one dude !

Lets do a poetry jam when i come back... so we can come up with a poem together... another project, maybe ;)

prem said...

hehe... well there is my sister, but it is an endless cycle of fighting and being chums ...so actually there are no other people

Megha said...

yeah.. agreed... you trouble your sister a lot.

but then ... all brothers do too

So did that need a poetic apology... or is it the decoy? *wicked grin*