Friday, September 01, 2006


In my second year of volunteering for a Note Book distribution drive, we were giving away slates to 1st standard kids, in a particular Government school I visit. A friend of mine was handing out slates to all the kids, whose names were being called out by the teacher. At the end of it all, we checked with her if she was done. She called out once more to ask if all of them had had their chance. Just in time, she realised that she hadn't called one little boy's name out. He was sitting by a corner and didn't even complain. If I were him, I'd not only feel bad that my name wasn't called out, but I'd also raise my hand and rake a fuss or look upset. I went over and asked him, why he didn't ask for due attention. And he took out a old slate from his tattered bag next to him, and said he already had that one form the previous year's drive. His honesty, the sparkle in his eyes, the simplicity of his thoughts.....just killed me. Still kills me each time I remember his face. 7 year old innocence... I pray good things happen with that little fellow. I pray that his innocence will last a while longer atleast. I pray that there always be people who value truth and honesty. I pray that some day there will be equity, equality and "Parity"....

The rich man saw the ragged small boy and tossed at him a nickel,
But soon had his face go red, felt the coin in his pockets tickle,
As he walked wearing a satisfied smile by the false sense of parity...
He was belittled by a little hand, that refused the dime of charity!

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