Saturday, September 23, 2006

Roads and Crossroads

A flimsy little one I felt compelled to write for my friends in Tokyo... Also was trying out, how three-line rhyme appeals to one's senses... If you survive through, let me know :)

At crossroads, we always long for a while more.
There's ease and comforts in the smiles we wore.
More to hear and more to say, of now and before...

At crossroads, we are met with exciting newness,
Of possibilities, challenges, failures and success.
And well mapped out ways for the direction-less.

At crossroads, looking back at what we left behind...
There'll be people and places that were very kind,
And memories deeply etched in a willing mind!

At crossroads, are bygones and good times bode,
There're your roads ahead, with promises aboard,
Let the glasses rise, here, now, one for the Road...
One last time, for you, me and for the Crossroads!


prem said...

I survived...btw, too many crossrd's in tokyo ?

Megha said...

Too many crossroads in life, dude!
What have you been doing... heh... Sitting at home cozy :P ?

Anonymous said...

At crossroads, I run and hide.
So many bloody things to decide.
The decision I make now,influences my life,
Of blissful happiness or endless strife.

Megha said...

good one dude /dudette ! ...why are you anonymous... I wanna know you

prem said...

post poems too ...

Anonymous said...

Ahh.. The question is do I wanna be known,
And get my cover blown,
Anonymity I like, without a name or place,
Flitting in the shadows , a thing without a face.

Megha said...

Busted!!! ;)

prem said...

So now u know :-)